The store is brimming with glistening displays of sweet lukum and hard candies, all made by hand on site. The business prospers, and customers flock to the store to buy Gandour’s popular treats.
He introduces dry goods and food items such as flour, pasta and fats.
Ghandour sees the potential to optimize and scale production, and purchases Gandour’s very first machine. As the businesses grows, production is moved out of the store and into a modern factory constructed in 1912. The factory is hailed as the largest confectionery plant in Lebanon.
Over the next decade, the company goes on to introduce several wafer products, followed by biscuits and molded chocolates.
Gandour continues expanding its factories within Lebanon as its products and brands become loved by generations of consumers.
To reflect Gandour's desire to integrate and support the local community and its people, the company adopts a new logo inspired by a traditional bell-boy to symbolize a passion to serve.
The Gandour business is thriving and attracting business from a variety of countries.
Fascinated by technology, he takes particular interest in chocolate machines and learning how each one operates.
This is a time of great creativity, spurred on by Rafic's imagination and spirit.Gandour launches a series of iconic products, from Gandour Gum toTarboosh, Unica and Lucky 555. It truly is an industrious time with lots oftasty new creations.
The construction of the new plant brings great job opportunities to the area, employing close to 1,000 people.
The family of brands frows including Yamama cakes, Kunuz candies and a range of chocolate brands the firmly establish Gandour as a household name in the region.